Thursday 6 February 2014

We are all human !

This song caught my attention. It tells everything about the humanity and how we are living today! What I love about the video that comes with the song is that we see humans from all around the world living there life in a different way; some are living in a good condition and some don't even have foods to eat. There are people who can buy shoes for about 1300 $ and there are people who can't even afford money to feed their children. I don't know how the world had changed like this? Why are we selfish, why don't we find ways to remove poverty, why does a country like America take the advantages from these poor countries, why people are like this, why, can someone tell me why ?

 Today, in 2014, there is millions of poor from all are around the world that can't eat, can't learn, can't have fun, can't live the life that we are living now and that's all because of us! Maybe not you, but the people who are taking their resources, their potential, their energies, their everything! These poor people are working day by day with the lowest salary that you can ever imagine just to feed their children, and even the children who are supposed educated, works to help their parents! You know what is the mystery in that? The mystery is that even if we know that there is poverty, we don't give anything to help. We all think that there will always be poor in the world that's why we don't help. We also think that, no matter what we are going to do, our contributions will not remove poverty. We have to remove this idea from our mind, because, now in 2014, we can let poor have a better life, a better condition ! We can give money, we can open a little business in this poor countries, we can do a campaign to raise money,etc... Even if we give a little 5 $ keep in mind that this little amount can feed someone who have been hungry for a long time!

If we don't help today, what will be their condition in the future ... ?

This is a reality that we have to change !

Sunday 26 January 2014

To those who want to pursue a career into the fashion industry ...

Hi everybody !

Today I am writing this post to those who love fashion and to those who would like to see how it looks like making clothes. So for those who are new like me to this fashion world and to those who would like to learn more thing about sewing, making clothes, making a collection, drawing and all that stuff please just continue reading because I would like to present to you a series of videos that I recently found and that would teach you lots of interesting stuff <3

As you may know or not, I am a HUGE fan of something called "fashion". I like to draw clothes even if I am not perfect at drawing human bodies -.- To me, fashion is something that allow me to do whatever I like and use my originality as I like. You don't need to have some specifics characteristics to be accepted in this industry and that's what I like <3

I found this "TV show" ,I don't know what is the correct name to this, but I found it and that is the most important. I didn't hear about something like this before and nobody ever told me to watch it, but today I am going to present you this TV show , so it could help you if you never heard about it :)

So here is the famous "TV show" that I am talking about ... Project Runway !

Project Runway is definitely one of my favorite "TV show". It give the opportunities to hundreds of people to participate in this competition and make their place in this show ! I highly recommend you watching all the videos of this how ! You can see how it is hard to make a dress in one or two days !

I hope you like it :)

Saturday 25 January 2014

It's all about getting motivation !

Hello :)
How are you all ?

Today I am going to write about something that is really important in everybody's life.
I am going to talk with you about "motivation".

Motivation is really important in life. It let you make whatever you want and work hard to make it happen. Without motivation your dream or your passion could die, but with a little bit of motivation it could see the light :) Taking the right decision, surrounding yourself with the right people and working on your dream little by little could give you lots of advantage as making your dream comes true !

Don't think that you have to be rich or famous to be able to make what you have on your mind. It just need a little bit of works and you can be able to do whatever you want. And if someone ever tells you that you will never be able to do and accomplish whatever you want ----> ignore him ! He doesn't believe in you. And people who don't believe and trust you are too dangerous to be in your life ! They will take all the chances that will be offered to him to make you feel that you failed and that you can't do anything to succeed. You have to choose the right friend for you !!! Don't choose those who will always make you feel like a looser. When you surround yourself with great people you will see that you are being motivated day by day and you will never let your dream stop.

Get motivated and motivate other that's what will make you a successful person and that what will make the world a better place ! We are living this life with the bad and the good challenges. Without any fail and without any success our life would be just a boring life and that's why we see successful and non-successful people in this world !

This is the life and we have to live it till we die ...

Friday 24 January 2014

Some H&M look !

Hi guys !
How are you doing ? Hope everyone is good <3

Today I was surfing on the net and was trying to find some new clothes to buy and some inspiration.
So, I check on hm and I found out some great stuff :)
Here I am doing a little review on some of the clothes that I liked and I will try to match some clothes together with accessories and all that stuff from the same store :)

So keep on reading :)

First look 

29,95 $
14,95 $
29,95 $

Second look (All the way grey ! )

                     24,95 $                         
12,95 $

39,95 $

59,95 $

24,95 $

Third look 

24,95 $
12,95 $

Final look ! ( For the kind of lazy/sporty day )

19,95 $
29,95 $
34,95 $

I hope you liked this post <3
I will try to make more thing like that if you want :)
See you next time !


Monday 20 January 2014

Stop sleeping !

Hi guys :)

This is the start of a new year, the start of a new life, so I hope you enjoy it and achieve everything that you always wanted to achieve :)

fresh start, new beginning quote, New Year

For this new year, I want you to WAKE UP !!! WAKE UP AND STOP SLEEPING like every time ! Do something that you will be proud of ! Try to change some of your bad routine . Make some change of your life ! 

Do you have a dream, a goal, something that you want to be proud when you will get older,something that you will show to your future kids ?!

It's time to start thinking seriously ! You only live once. God gave you this life, you have to manage it as you like, you are responsible of your life !

I wrote this blog post for me and for you. I want to help others achieving their goals. I want to everyone who is reading this post to wake up and start working for their big dream.

Everyone can dream, but little are those who make their dreams become a reality.
I want to make my dream come a reality and I want everyone who is reading this post to do the same.
I want us to work and work as hard as possible.
Nothing is impossible. 
We are living in this world for a long time, so why don't we live in a good way ?!

Friday 3 January 2014

Some of my goals for this new year !

Hey guys ! How are you doing ? 
I hope you enjoyed your vacation and the start of this new year <3
Did you have set down some goals that you want to reach for this new year?
If yes, I hope that you're going to realize them all !

For me, I don't really have Big goals to reach. 
Some of my goals are to :
  • study as hard as possible to get good grades in college
  • post more stuff on the blog
  • start cooking ! 
  • learn new things interesting about life
  • draw more !
  • perfect my English
YEAH ! I think these are my principal goals !
What are your goals ?